No, we require vaccinations to be current for the full duration of the stay. Therefore, please ensure that your bunny’s last vaccination was no later than 12 months prior to check-out date.
Is it ok to vaccinate my bunny just before boarding?
If it is a booster vaccination, it is not an issue to vaccinate your bunny just before boarding. However, if it is your bunny’s first vaccination, the vaccination should be done at a very a minimum of 2 weeks prior to boarding, as it takes approximately 2 weeks to develop immunity after the vaccination.
What are the benefits of vaccinating my bunny against calicivirus?
The calicivirus causes a haemorrhagic viral disease, which affects a rabbit within 12-18 hours. The mortality rate is high and nearly all infected rabbits die from the disease. Annual calicivirus vaccinations protect your bunny against this fatal disease.
Do I really have to vaccinate my bunny? It has always been healthy and lives indoors.
Yes, it is one of our conditions of entry to ensure that all bunny boarders are healthy and do not transmit calicivirus to one another. Vaccinations are also stipulated in DEPI’s Code of Practice for the Operation of Boarding Establishments, which we strictly adhere to.
Do I have to vaccinate my guinea pig?
No, there are no vaccinations available for guinea pigs.